Gaius julius caesar
Gaius julius caesar

gaius julius caesar

His increasing power and great ambition agitated many senators who feared Caesar aspired to be king. In 44 B.C.E., Caesar declared himself dictator for life. He also granted citizenship to foreigners living within the Roman Republic. At the same time, he sponsored the building of the Forum Iulium and rebuilt two city-states, Carthage and Corinth. He wielded his power to enlarge the senate, created needed government reforms, and decreased Rome’s debt. Returning to Italy, Caesar consolidated his power and made himself dictator. This sparked a civil war between Caesar’s forces and forces of his chief rival for power, Pompey, from which Caesar emerged victorious. Caesar Gaius Julius Caesar IV Gaius Iulius Caesar Imperator Gaius Julius Gaii filius. When his rivals in Rome demanded he return as a private citizen, he used these riches to support his army and marched them across the Rubicon River, crossing from Gaul into Italy. Roman general, statesman and final Dictator.

gaius julius caesar

Throughout his eight-year governorship, he increased his military power and, more importantly, acquired plunder from Gaul.

gaius julius caesar

His Roman troops conquered Gallic tribes by exploiting tribal rivalries. Returning to Rome, he formed political alliances that helped him become governor of Gaul, an area that included what is now France and Belgium. Seizing the opportunity, Caesar advanced in the political system and briefly became governor of Spain, a Roman province. During his youth, the Roman Republic was in chaos. Born to a wealthy family, at age 18 he was named adoptive son and heir of his great-uncle Julius Caesar. 19, ad 14, Nola, near Naples), First Roman emperor. Julius Caesar was a Roman general and politician who named himself dictator of the Roman Empire, a rule that lasted less than one year before he was famously assassinated by political rivals in 44 B.C.E.Ĭaesar was born on July 12 or 13 in 100 B.C.E. Gaius Octavius later Gaius Julius Caesar Octavianus, (born Sept.

Gaius julius caesar