Manhunt 2 walkthrought
Manhunt 2 walkthrought

manhunt 2 walkthrought

A lure can also be used to cause an enemy to investigate a location while you sneak past him. If there are other enemies in the area, you should toss the lure in a location that separates enemies so you aren’t seen when attempting the execution. Tip: Keep the location of other enemies in mind. You should toss the lure in a location where the enemy will have his back turned so you can approach from behind and perform the execution. Toss the lure toward where you want the enemy to investigate.

manhunt 2 walkthrought

You can smack the wall with a melee attack or you can use a lure (yellow items such as cans, bottles, and bricks). There are a couple ways to lure an enemy toward your hiding place. This is where the shadow works offensively as well as defensively. You will likely have to get rid of an enemy to proceed in the game. Hiding in shadows will keep you hidden but it won’t necessarily get you around dangerous enemies. You’re relatively safe from detection here although tougher enemies can scan shadow areas and detect your location if you fail to complete the mini-game sequence (you must quickly press the indicated button or button combination). Your health bar turns blue when you’re clouded in shadow. You may find safety in a corner or behind a dumpster. When entering a new area, immediately scan around for dark areas. If that’s the case then ignoring stealth and going straight-up action is a viable tactic.Ī shadow keeps you hidden from enemies and allows you to watch movement patterns so you can sneak up and perform an execution. Obviously you should avoid making multiple enemies aware of your location…unless of course you’re carrying a firearm. Enemies are persistent, though, and fairly quick and can maintain pursuit even if you’re running away at top speed. It’s not always effective but can work in certain circumstances. You can turn red status enemies back into orange by running away and taking cover in shadows or finding a good hiding spot and waiting it out. But if multiple enemies detect you, it’s a difficult situation to overcome through melee fighting alone. If it’s just a single enemy, you shouldn’t have much trouble battling the enemy with melee strikes. You’ve been spotted and are potentially in big trouble. Red status enemies are aware of your presence and location. The enemy won’t be able to hear your movements but you also won’t be able to distract the enemy with a noisy lure. This means that there’s enough sound in the area to distract the enemy. Tip: Along with yellow, orange, and red, enemy markers can also be blue. Tougher "hunter" enemies will check shadows if you’re inside, you may have to complete a button combination mini-game to avoid detection. Orange status enemies will divert off their patrol pattern to investigate the noise. Perhaps you’ve made a sound, tossed a lure to make a noise, or the particularly enemy may have even seen a glimpse of you. These enemies are standing at their post or currently moving on their patrol patterns-these enemies are essentially unaware of your presence. The radar indicates enemy position, which direction enemies are facing, enemy status, and ambient noises, both how much noise you’re creating and the noise level of other characters or objects. Unless you’re attempting the game on "Insane" difficulty, you’ll have the benefit of the radar, which will certainly prove invaluable over the course of the game. From the gory, "blurry" executions to the patterned enemy patrols, it pays off to remain patiently in shadows, utilize lures, and sneak up on enemies while attracting as little attention as possible. Until your character locates a firearm, attempting to muscle your way through levels will be extremely difficult if not nearly impossible in some cases.

manhunt 2 walkthrought manhunt 2 walkthrought

Walkthrough This section provides a comprehensive walk-through of all story missions.Īlthough Manhunt 2 is primarily a stealth game, it’s certainly possible to play as a straight up action game. Weapons and Items Check this section for an overview of each weapon and item type. GameSpot’s Game Guide to Manhunt 2 features the following content: Tips and Hints Some tips and hints on remaining stealthy or fighting your way through. We cover specific strategies for stealth executions, gun battles, and provide a complete walk-through for the Manhunt 2 storyline. We’ve compiled everything you need to survive the asylums, underground dungeons, and Hunter-filled warehouses, train yards, and neighborhoods. Fans of the original Manhunt know what to expect: stealth-based gameplay, a diverse array of killing tools, and the signature grisy executions. Slapped with the retailer-unfriendly "AO" rating, Manhunt 2 needed a few trims, cuts, and blurs to reach store shelves. Rockstar’s Manhunt 2 had an infamous history before it was even released.

Manhunt 2 walkthrought