Raiders of icepeak mountains
Raiders of icepeak mountains

They rarely raid the lands of the ffolk (believing that conquest is more productive), preferring instead to raid further afield (such as Ruathym and Mintarn), or taking the goods of pirates.

raiders of icepeak mountains

The people of Oman are hard workers, and see no profession as weakness, measuring a mans worth by his strength, size, and skill at arms rather than by the work he performs. Commoners work the land of these nobles, giving a portion of their wealth to the land owners, or in the settlements they provide services to other inhabitants to pay for their rent. These lords form the upper nobility, and bequeath smaller parcels of land to lesser nobility that they choose to patronise. The Jarls (lords) of Oman own the land in and around the settlements, allowing others to buy or rent it from them as desired. The society of Oman is feudal in nature like the illuskans of Gnarhelm. They merge the best aspects of both societies to create a people that are aggressive, curious, hardy, and laborious, most importantly the people of Oman do not fear magic or technology, and are more than happy to use both if it helps them achieve their goals (which usually involve conquest). The people of Oman are a fusion of the warlike norl and the more advanced Illuskans.

  • 1290 DR: Year of the Whelm: Thelgaar Rolgarrson declares himself King of Oman.
  • 1243 DR: Year of the Blue Dragons: King Smedar reclaims the ruins of Caer Airaun from the firbolg that seem drawn to the area.
  • The islands of Gnarhelm, Norland, Norheim, and Oman break from the Lillemaron Alliance and each become self governing once again.
  • 947 DR: Year of the Advancing Wind: King Torgred Helmuddson is lost when his dragonship sinks during a storm.
  • 944 DR: Year of the Animated Armour: Following the death of High King Tanner, King Torgred Helmuddson forces the ffolk kings of Callidyrr, Corwell, and Moray to relinquish any claim to territory on the northern Moonshae Isles.
  • 937 DR: Year of the Turning Wheel: King Torgred Helmuddson of Gnarhelm conquers the Isle of Oman.
  • 764 DR: Year of Mistmaidens: Battle of Four Prows: The navies of Moray, Callidyrr, and Corwell battle the longships of Norland, Norheim, and Oman.
  • 761 DR: Year of Laughter: The fortress of Caer Windlaur completely vanishes during a norl invasion of the island, allowing the norl raiders to land and ultimately conquer the island.
  • These twin fortresses protect the only viable beachheads on the island.
  • 535 DR: Year of the Upright Man: The stone fortresses of Caer Windlaur and Caer Donall are completed on the Isle of Oman.
  • 203 DR: Year of Scattered Sands: High King Cymrych Hugh tasks a number of clans with settling the Isle of Oman to protect it from being exploited by Kazgoroth and other evils.
  • 176 DR: Year of the Wyrmclaws: Kazgoroth escapes his imprisonment on the Isle of Oman.
  • c.-2000 DR: Kazgoroth the Beast first appears on the Isle of Oman, gathering an army of ffomorean to his side and waging war against the entire Moonshae Isles before being defeated by an alliance of dwarves, elves, firbolg, halflings, and LeShay.
  • The final battle sees Grond Peaksmasher battling the great bear Darvyr atop Icepeak before the mountain top collapses and Grond is never seen again.
  • c. -5000 DR: The dwarves and firbolg empires of the Moonshae Isles war with each other for over a century.
  • Oman has since gained its independence and has fused the best parts of norl and illuskan society to create a people that embrace useful technology and magic, but remain hardy and warlike rather than become softened by their cultural advances. They finally achieved this aim in 761 DR, and the Isle of Oman has remained in northmen hands ever since.įollowing the arrival of the illuskans in the Moonshae Isles, Oman swiftly became a vassal of the Kingdom of Gnarhelm. Once the norl established their presence on the Isles of Norland and Norheim, their next target was the Isle of Oman, for whoever controlled this island had easy access to all of the Moonshaes. Warnings however are often forgotten or ignored and the ffolk settled here after many centuries, unleashing the evil upon the Moonshaes once more.

    raiders of icepeak mountains

    The ffolk regarded this island as off limits and gave it a name that roughly translated to “No man must set foot here”, this has been corrupted in the common tongue to Oman Isle (derived from Noman Isle). It was the home of a great evil, and the elves forbade any to approach the island lest the accidentally unleash the terrible evil imprisoned there. The Isle of Oman has long been untouched by the activities of humanity. Religion: Tempus and other suitably martial religions from the Faerunian Pantheon Overview Government: Monarchy (Gavelkind succession), King Thelgar Ironhand Population: 33,000 (50% Human – Norl, 48% Human – Illuskan, 1% Various)

    Raiders of icepeak mountains